Join Con Brio

Unsure whether you want to try out? This Paper aswers the question – Why do we sing?
Click here to read the complete study by Chorus America: Singing for a Lifetime. 

Still not convinced? Watch two short videos by two Masters of Choral Music:

  • See what John Rutter says: Click here.   
  • See what Eric Whitacre says: Click here

Con Brio is an auditioned, classical chorus, with a wide repertoire. In seeking new members its goal is to retain a stable core group of singers, to provide a solid foundation and allow the group to grow musically, as well as develop a standard repertoire of major works. Members are expected to recognize their individual responsibility in promoting the sale of tickets and general fundraising. Con Brio requires members to meet prescribed attendance requirements. Annual dues are $150, plus the cost of music. On a case by case basis, the President may waive all, or part, of these charges in cases of financial hardship. 

Con Brio welcomes student applicants, subject to audition. High School and College students are eligible for 100% scholarships with free membership dues and free scores provided. 

Con Brio invites applications to join Con Brio, without regard to age, race, color, religious belief, gender identity, sexual orientation, nationality or ethnic origin. Admission to Con Brio is contingent on audition, availability of places in the appropriate choral part, and the choral balance. Admission to Con Brio is at the discretion of the Music Director and the Music Committee.

Con Brio auditions are straightforward. They are designed to help you show your voice in the best way, so that you may be successful. They comprise the following five elements:

1. Sing something you are comfortable to perform
EITHER: You may prepare a short piece of your choosing, to be sung with a piano accompaniment. This may be an Art Song, Hymn, Carol, Folk Song, or part of a larger work. Please bring a second copy of the piece for the pianist.
OR: You may elect to sing the first verse of America the beautiful singing the tune, (no harmony), with piano accompaniment. You may download a copy of the music here:  America the beautiful

2. Vocalization: You will be asked to sing a series of major scales in rising keys, with piano, in order to explore the comfortable range of your voice.

3. Pitch-matching: This is an aural exercise, without music. The pianist will play groups of three or four notes, which you will sing back.

4. Sight-singing: You will be given a very short, straightforward piece to sing. This is in the key of C major, without accidentals. The piece is simple rhythmically, with only quarter and eighth notes. There are no words. The pianist will start you off with the first three notes, after which you should sing this through to the end, without accompaniment.

5. Holding your vocal line: You will be asked to sing your voice part in a well-known Christmas Carol written for SATB. Music will be provided. This will be accompanied by the pianist.

Con Brio’s next auditions will be held on Thursday, January 2nd, 2025, from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm at St Paul Lutheran Church, 56 Great Hammock Road, Old Saybrook, CT. Call Sue at 860 575 9668 for more information and to book a time. 

You are also more than welcome to join us at a rehearsal! Find out more about Con Brio, our musical style, our rehearsal technique, and our friendly, welcoming members. This is without obligation, before you have auditioned. If you are interested please call Larry Hamre (860) 575-1533

Con Brio performs four main concerts each year, in December and March, April or May and rehearses from 7.00 pm to 9:30 pm each Tuesday at St Paul Lutheran Church, 56 Great Hammock Road, Old Saybrook, CT.  Commencing September 2025, rehearsals will be on Mondays at Grace Episcopal Church, 366 Main Street, Old Saybrook CT.

Con Brio has made eight overseas concert tours since its founding and has a ninth planned for 2025.  During the summer Con Brio jointly sponsors the popular SummerSings program, open to all.


Con Brio rehearsal with orchestra

Con Brio is a friendly, welcoming and inclusive group. There is a thriving and vibrant spirit of participation and volunteerism, which makes the organization run smoothly and efficiently.  After regular rehearsals, many choristers enjoy fellowship at the Stumble Inne in Old Lyme. Con Brio celebrates its concerts with a post-concert party.


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